Monday, September 10, 2007


I have found any similarities among those pictures.
What about you?


Anonymous said...

foto apa kang ?
kok ndak nampak sama sekali :(

quintarantino said...
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quintarantino said...

Hello Bakh, I see peace on the three photos but I also see that people always need to do something. In this case, work... I guess.
About Fosters hope there's no problem with you about that!

Nieke,, said...

kesamaannya... ummbbb...
1. sama2 menggambarkan org yg sedang merenung..
2. sama2 dimabil di sore apa siang hari gitu..
3. objek fotonya sama2 cowo *mule ngaco*
4. lokasi fotonya sama2 diambil di luar negri *makin ngaco'*
5. dah, ndak tau lagi :D

Overall, artistik ;) ..

[H][A][R][R][I][S] said...

gambar 1 : tuh orang lagi boker yah?? Hahahahaha... persis kayak di kampung gw dulu, klo mo boker, di kali gitu. Sekalian ber-exhibisionist ria. Take of your clothes, and show off your skin. hehehehehehe......
(Ups, lupa klo bentar lagi mo puasa):D

gambar 3 : Tuh orang ngapain duduk di situ?? kayak orang lagi patah hati, mengungsi dari keramaian kota.

Anonymous said...

foto orang lagi bersedih.

Bakhrian said...

@mata: lha... yang lain bisa lihat.. kok mata ga bisa lihat... mungkin "matanya" kurang nih... perlu nambah kacamata... atau nambah bandwidth? (bener ga sih tulisan bandwidth...)

@quintino: nice try... but we have different perception

@nieke: artistic? SETUJUUUUU!!!!

Bakhrian said...

@ale: boker...? bokir kali.. hehehehe. ada-ada saja... patah hati? heheheheh emang elu bisa baca hatinya? hehe

@mina: SETUJUUUUUUU.... hiks

Anonymous said...

kayaknya sih ketiga foto itu menggambarkan orang yg sedang kesepian..
atau malah sedang menikmati kesendirian?!