Thursday, January 31, 2008

Are medical students so serious?

Do medical students study hard and do not have time for dating and pleasure?
If you say so...
You should think twice.... or more...

A survey has been conducted in 1000 medical students at Cambridge University, UK. It was found that:
1. medical students have partner(s) in sex at least 8 persons each during their life. This number is much more than students at theology and politic faculty.
2. 25% of them have experienced SM sex
3. 40% have done one night stand, but fortunately 60% of them have not had sexual transmitted diseases.

How about in Indonesia?
So... do you still want to be a lover of a medical student?
It is up to you.....

Photo is taken from here.
This article is taken from here.


quintarantino said...

Are you that serious?
Nice header.
And yes, those eyes are from Ana Sofia, the one with the wrist knock out.

Anonymous said...

oh ya, aku setuju banget. tahu kan, rumah sakit, dokter, perawat, pokoknya dunia medis, sangat sarat dengan perselingkuhan, teman tapi mesra, gonta-ganti pacar? kondisilah yang mendukung.

Anonymous said...

biar bagimana pun seriusnya, mereka tetap manusia biasa kan yg punya naluri ke arah situ :)

iya nih, jadi pengen tau Indonesia sendiri spt apa mahasiswa kedokterannya.. ayo Mas, bikin penelitian ttg itu :D

btw SM sex apaan sih?

quintarantino said...

Hello... new look? You seem happy.

Bakhrian said...

@quint: it took it from a survey conducted by medical faculty... it seemed that it is so serious...but for myself? i ama a medical student anymore... hehehe

new look? happy?
just pray for me Quint.. :)

Bakhrian said...

@mina: itulah yang kita saksikan di sekitar kita... :)

@wahyu: penelitian?
waduh... mungkin mahasiswa psikologi yang lebih pas...
lah\gian itu masalah sensitif sekali...
jangan sampai kejadian jogja terulang ke aku.... hehehe

SM sex? Sado-Masochism sex... tahu kan? orang yang mendapat kepuasan seks dengan cara menyiksa dan disiksa... :)
bukan wahyu kan salah satunya? heheheh... pEACE!

Anonymous said...

ah si wahyu pura-pura gak tau :p

Anonymous said...

thanks ya Mas atas penjelasannya :)

@Mba Mina : beneran Mba.. aku kurang gaul untuk urusan yg satu itu :D
tau istilah SM sex setelah baca balasan komen Mas Bakhri..

quintarantino said...

So now I must call you Doctor Bakh?

Oman said...

Whatttt? Really? I should have not taken Law and be a doctor instead hahaha.

Moh Bakhrian Syah said...

@quint: i prefer you call me as usual... ok?

@lawstude: hehehe.... if you wish... you can change your major then....
you can not find it at faculty of law?

Anonymous said...

Interesting information. haha...

Alex's World! -

quintarantino said...

You got a deal, doc! :))
How are you?
On the photo of the fountain, there was a link there. If you click there, you can get more info about that Museum.

Milda said...

sebenarnya logis-2 aja kl medical student lbh sering do kopulasi...(brrr, nyampur-2 bahasanya...)..mgkn maksudnya mereka learning by doing gitu semua tetap relatif, org yg belajar agama-pun ada yg do SM..kadang-2 manusia bertindak dgn 'animal insting'...Di satu sisi bisa 'horor' banget jadi manusia ya, khususnya yg gak bisa 'membendung'...(air sungai 'kalii...)

Bakhrian said...

@alexander: do you want to be part of them? :) hehehe..
thank you for visiting my blog

@quint: thank you for your information

Bakhrian said...

@milda: waduh uni... apa kabar? lama sekali bertapa... :)

betul... semua memang berpulang pada pribadi masing-masing... :)

Anonymous said...

Medical student kan juga butuh cinta. Tapi ga segitunya kalo di Indonesia kali, apalagi free sex dan SM. Serem bgt