Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Propisional OR profesional

I hope there is a new word in Bahasa which is PROPISIONAL


I took this picture a couple of days after. Now i know... there is no PROPISIONAL in Bahasa.


quintarantino said...

Is that a new word or is it not well written?
Bakh, my friend, let me thank you for taking the time to visit my daughters blog. It was very nice of you.
She now is in school, but I'll tell her that she must say thank you by herself.

Bakhrian said...

Yes Quint... that is what i am confuse... :)

She did visited my blog as well.
And i hope her twin sister will be fine soon...

Anonymous said...

propisional memangnya apa sih artinya?

Bakhrian said...

@mina: aku juga ga ngerti.... makanya berharap itu ada artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia... jadi yang bikin spanduk itu ga salah...
kan kasian... partai sebesar itu... bisa melakukan kesalahan yang menurutku tidak profesional... :)

Anonymous said...

mesti ditunjukin ke isman tuh ;p dia koleksi gambar ginian.

Anonymous said...

iya ya.. kayaknya itu kesalahan penulisan deh.. atau maksud PKS itu mau menyesuaikan dengan ejaan kalsel? ;)

Bakhrian said...

@mina: isman? hehehe belum kenalan ma dia....

@wahyu: sepertinya sih begitu.... terpengaruh budaya Banjar tuh....