I need to complain to SE producer!!
I just bought this mobile about two months ago, but what has been happening?
When I decided to buy this mobile, it was looking good. By its black case, and green color inside when I slide the upper side of this mobile, it looked so elegant and classy. That was why I picked it.
I am disappointed by this mobile just a month after…
First… the keypad is broken… it is too thin… so it is fragile…
Now…. Five buttons of the key pad are broken.
Then, the button for character “A,B,C” is stuck, so anytime I press it, it is not back. It generates an annoying sound. Damn…
One last thing, when I press the lower buttons of characters, my finger is stuck to prominent part of the lowest side of this mobile. It is not an ergonomic mobile.
I just bought this mobile about two months ago, but what has been happening?
When I decided to buy this mobile, it was looking good. By its black case, and green color inside when I slide the upper side of this mobile, it looked so elegant and classy. That was why I picked it.
I am disappointed by this mobile just a month after…
First… the keypad is broken… it is too thin… so it is fragile…
Now…. Five buttons of the key pad are broken.
Then, the button for character “A,B,C” is stuck, so anytime I press it, it is not back. It generates an annoying sound. Damn…
One last thing, when I press the lower buttons of characters, my finger is stuck to prominent part of the lowest side of this mobile. It is not an ergonomic mobile.
wooo... kok sampe patah gitu keypad nya, mas?
SE W910i ku masih baik2 aja, loh... xP
uhmmm... padahal mungkin usianya hampir sama, 1 bulan-an.
tp masih garansi, kan? xD
I guess you should send this complaint to the company that manufacturers the SE (Sony Ericsson?).
Mine is the Nokia 6630 and I am very happy with it. Always liked Nokia.
sama... sama....tapi tipe beda..hehe..jawabnya pake bhs indonesia aja ya
ho oh..aku juga beli hp SE tipe w830i baru seminggu tiba-tiba ada trouble di speaker
huhuu...dan sampai skg hp itu juga lom ada balik di tangan ku
terhitung sejak masuk servis tl 28 nov 2007 dan skg udh februari
jawaban masih sama 'masih lom tau mbak..soalnya hpnya mesti ganti mesin dan dibawa ke jakarta'
hihi...kok aku malah curhat disini ya hehe...salam kenal ya pak hohoho...
sudahlah B, sudah dibilang kan, Nokia Nokia Nokia! -joget-joget- lihat tuh punyaku gak rusak-rusak. lagipula, tipis itu gak enak.
@nila: kerusakan itu masuk kategori garansi bukan? jangan-jangan seperti si ajeng... harsu nunggu berbulan-bulan...
@ajeng: waduh... seram sekali harus nunggu selama itu.... apes!!!
@mina: nokia? dulu aku juga pake itu... tapi terlanjur familiar dengan SE nih....
@quint: i used to be a costumer of NOKIA... but recently i use SE...
may be i will change it to nokia...
kerusakan yg ga termasuk garansi setauku kalo masuk air.
selebihnya sih masuk garansi.
dulu SE papaku jg sempet di servis kok karena ngehang.
dan bisa diambil tepat waktu, ga sampe berbulan2 kayak gitu.
mungkin tergantung kerusakannya jg kali, ya?
hp SE me2t masih baik2 aja kak... (kan kk yang rekomendasikan) kebetulan juga tipis dengan umur yang ga beda jauh dengan punya kk. alhamdulilah masih ok. waktu pake kemaren ga baca bismilah kalee.... hi3
iya met, memang beda cara penggunaan kali ya met khikhikhi... punyamu kan digunakan untuk kebaikan ya kan met? :p
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