Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Are there no places for having ..... ?

It was not a great experience. But it is true...

One day i went to a net cafe. I had never though that i would have that a suck kind experience. 
I entered to a seat where i can accessed the internet connection.
Meanwhile i was browsing, i was thirsty... 
then i went to a vending machine where i could get a beverage. 
But do you know what i saw? 

It was shocking... trully shocking....

When i was going to a vending machine, i saw a couple having a blow job.
WHAT!!! Yes.... it was true.... a girl was giving a blow job to her friend
( i assume he is her boy friend) while they were browsing.
OMG.... is there not any places where they could have sex unless in a net cafe? DAMN!!!
Why did they misuse that place to do that?
Why could they not go to someplaces else which was more approriate?
C'mon... it was day time... not even an evening...

Honestly, it was not my first experience.
When i was studying at another city in my country, 
i found a man jerking of while browsing the internet....
How bad luck i had....


Anonymous said...

Blow job?
Jerking of?
Bakh, where the hell are you going? :)
That one of the blow job left me thinking!

Isadora said...

:) Did you not know that some people enjoy the 'danger' of being discovered? It is part of the exhibitionism heading in behavior studies.

Sorry that it had offended you - you probably made their experience that much sweeter. Then again, it is possible that there was no other place when the urgency struck...

Anonymous said...

hahaha.. kalau orang sudah 'kebelet' kadang tidak lagi bisa berpikir secara rasional.. :D

btw koq foto mereka gak dipasang di sini Mas? hehe *kidding

Anonymous said...

I don´t know if you are found of those tag things, but I was tagged by a friend and had to tag eight more. You were one of them.

You are to list 8 facts/habits that none of your readers knows about you.
Here are the rules of the Meme:
In the 8 facts about yourself,
you share 8 things your readers
don't know about you.
Then at the end you tag 8
other bloggers to keep the fun going.


RoSa said...

haduh, parah juga ya kalu orang2 udah g tau tempat dan waktu lagi...laiknya wild animals :(

drmeitria said...

itu waktu kk diwarnet di ats prakteknya memet bukan?

Oman said...

maybe ur a pervert magnet. just kidding.

Bakhrian said...

@quint: you think of it? hmmmm... may be u can ask someone doing it for u... hehehhe

@isadora: ya... may be u r right.... exibisionist... hmmmm.... it is difficult for me to be understood.

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Webcam, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://webcam-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.

Anonymous said...

ow, warnet mana tuh? sini kasi tahu, biar tak rekam :D

Bakhrian said...

@quint: thats all right quint.... i am ok with tag... hehehe

@lawstude: that is what i affraid of... :)

Bakhrian said...

@wahyu: kebelet? wahahahahah... emang mau pup? hehe
Foto? hmm... jangan lah... ntar blog-ku dianggap pornoaksi... :)

@rosa: itulah salah satu kelemahan sifat manusia... :)

Bakhrian said...

@drmemet: yup... correct...

@mina: really? are you sure?
look at my answer for memet

Anonymous said...

What's up, doc?
All is well?

awi said...

gila banget! makanya males banget ke net cafe, krn itu, mending di rumah deh gpp mahal dikit juga tp gak nemuin hal2 kek githu

Juminten said...

hmmm... mungkin karena kamar Hotel terlalu mahal kali, mas!
parah... parah... paraaaaahhh...!

Milda said...

from this case, it's more obvious now to tell that an animal is a man in 'critical' time. Intinya, kl dlm situasi 'mendesak' manusia sering 'berubah' jd binatang.

Saran nih bro,lain kali jgn ragu buat manggil massa buat nonton perbuatannya, biar jd eksibisionis gak nanggung gitu..(duh, jgn smp ketemu lg deh..yuck !! na**s tralalaaaaa..)

Adhini Amaliafitri said...

sebegitu susahnya menahan nafsu ya??
ampun deh!di mana gt kek',jgn di public places.

*itu fotonya keren deh!!haha..di cina yah tuh mas?*