Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Best Students

Every year, Medical Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University holds a competition to pick the best student in terms of GPA, extra curricular activities, English proficiency and a literature review. The winner will represent Medical faculty at the University level next early June. 

There are 3 judges who decided the winners which were dr Iwan Aflanie, M.Kes., SpF, Lennie Marlinae, SKM and me as the chairman.

And after a series of the judgement, here are top six. And the winner is Efrilia Tanjung.

Front row: Tanjung, Conny, Fiki
Back row: Anton, Yan, Aan

Congratulation for all of you students.... be the best...


Marshmallow said...

gini deh, dear students. if you are exceptionally standing to be named distinction, please hook your lecturer up with somebody. that's the real challenge! berani terima tantangan?

Anonymous said...

waaahhh... pak dokter... hehe... itu... nitip satu... yang itu tuuuhhh... (nunjuk yang berdiri di tengah)... hihihi

Anonymous said...

How come they didn´t choose you for Jury President?

Anonymous said...

huahahaha... sapa tu si marshmallow :p
anyway, aku padahal suka Anton yang menang hehehehe...
Wiwit (yang kautulis si yan) dan Aan itu dari dulu dah keliatan menonjol ya. dan waaa... 2 bimbingan KTI-ku dua-duanya masuk di sini :P

Anonymous said...

dan buset ya lennie, 'sci-fi look' :p

Marshmallow said...

mave, dosa ngatain orang. oia, millennium gitu yak? tapi cantik loh...

Anonymous said...

Lennie keren bajunya... :D

Mereka tho pesertanya, kok anna ga tau ya... ga lapor dl sie.. :)

Bakhrian said...

@hemma: sepertinya sulit buat mereka menerima tantangan itu... hehehe

@ichanx: sudah ada yang punya chanx.... telat ente....

@quint: may be next time quint... :)

Bakhrian said...

@mina: anton? secara GPA dia bagus... tapi ada point lain yang bikin dia tidak terpilih...

lennie? seperti temannya matrix ya? hehehe... lennie... peace yoooo.... heheheh

@hemma: asal jangan aliens look saja.... heheheh

@anna: entar an... kusuruh lapor mereka sekalian sungkem... hehhehe