I will have a new neighbor.
Some construction workers are there.
Among eight workers (I guess.........)
There are two elderly men... more than 60 year old
They should not be there...arranging the bricks, mixing the cement etc
They suppose to be at home...
Enjoying their live
And someone else should work for them
It is not fair
Whom should i have to yell to?
Important note:
Just like the title of this post..
I am trully sorry to anyone who thinks that i took that pic by myself.
Honestly.... i took it from internet.. but unfortunately... i forgot to acknowledge him/her.
Until now i keep looking for it...
Please anyone can tell me if one day you find it....
Just like the title of this post..
I am trully sorry to anyone who thinks that i took that pic by myself.
Honestly.... i took it from internet.. but unfortunately... i forgot to acknowledge him/her.
Until now i keep looking for it...
Please anyone can tell me if one day you find it....
This photograph makes a compelling story. Nice in black and white too.
Bakh, my friend, I'm so glad you decided to join us in Sky Watch.
And with a beautiful black and white.
Well done, mate!
it's so ironic that some people need to work to their bones to earn some money other people might spend in a sole lunch, isn't it?
btw, like the pic. (you should pay him royalty, bro) kidding...
Hello and welcome to Sky Watch... I hope you get many visits to see your pictures.. I like the B&W and your writing... as a true Sky Watch picture your header is a winner..
Welcome to Sky Watch. Your blog banner is great. Your photo of the man at work is very interesting. 60 is not so old in the U.S., but not many men of that age work at such heavy labor. I hope he can rest well at night and has someone to prepare him a nutritious meal, and to rub his back and feet.
i agree with you, make me remenber my parents. they should take a rest, free from their job looking for money for their children. i also feel the same thing, and your writing make me sure to say, right now is my time to continue my parents' task for my brother and sister....
apa sih yang dibicarakan mereka itu, B? sky watch itu apa sih?
gpp, be. gak usah merasa gak enak gitu deh. lagian lama-lama aku perhatikan gambarnya mirip babe, jadi gak perlu acknowledgement lah kayaknya.
hihi... kidding.
hiks hiks... sedih... seharusnya di umur segitu dia udah bisa santai nikmatin hari tua....
@hemma: ga enak kan kalo orang berfikir bahwa itu karyaku... piracy masalahnya.... hehehehe
@memet: mungkin inilah saatnya kita-kita para anak-anak yang sudah memiliki pekerjaan dan masih memiliki ortu untuk membalas jasa....
@mina: sky watch itu semacam perkumpulan mereka-mereka pemilik blog yang menyukai fotografi.... nah aku masuk di dalamnya (padahal tidak sengaja... hahahah)
coba lihat salah satu dari blog di atas... mungkin akan lebih jelas..
@ichanx: begitu ironisnya ya chanx... yapi itulah kondisi indonesia yang tercinta ini....
@abraham, quint, tom and pat: i dont deserve to get that compliement.... one else does..
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