I was attending a workshop of Indonesian Doctor Competency Test in Bandung. It took just a whole day. So tired... absolutely... But i dont want to talk about it now....
I want to share about what i experienced there. The first two would be fantastic ones and the last one was disgusting.
When i abroaded in an aeroplane, i heard the pilot whisper "assalamualaikum" or "By the name of God" before taking off. It had been my first time to hear it ... I was happy... since it reminded me to remember God in every single day.
The second one is when i was in the bus before going back to Jakarta. The travel agent PRIMAJASA surprised me when the driver guided us to pray before we were on the way.... OMG.... i loved it....
However, nothing is perfect...
When i was in the plane.... a man sitting next to me was anoying me. Since the first 30 minutes, he always had inhalled every liquid in his nose.... yackkkk....
It was disgusting.... made me sick...
Pic from here.
I want to share about what i experienced there. The first two would be fantastic ones and the last one was disgusting.
When i abroaded in an aeroplane, i heard the pilot whisper "assalamualaikum" or "By the name of God" before taking off. It had been my first time to hear it ... I was happy... since it reminded me to remember God in every single day.
The second one is when i was in the bus before going back to Jakarta. The travel agent PRIMAJASA surprised me when the driver guided us to pray before we were on the way.... OMG.... i loved it....
However, nothing is perfect...
When i was in the plane.... a man sitting next to me was anoying me. Since the first 30 minutes, he always had inhalled every liquid in his nose.... yackkkk....
It was disgusting.... made me sick...
Pic from here.
eeewww... wait until you come to my room and hear my neighbor's productive cough twenty four seven, be. it has been making me sick for these four months already!
babe, jadi ente ke bandung?
waaa... oleh-oleh...
uhmmm... iya, hari gini udh jarang2 ada org yg ngingetin kita buat berdoa terlebih dahulu sebelum melakukan sesuatu ya, mas? :(
emang, kalu pas bepergian gitu para krunya so friendly n remind kita, setidaknya rasa cemas membayangkan perjalanan jadi berkurang :)
@hemma: are you sure? so do you plan to quit?
oleh-oleh? ada nih.... brownis... mau? ke sini aja... atau besok ku antar? hehehee
@nilla: betul... makanya pas ada yang begitu jadi terharu biru saru.... LHO! hahahahaha
@rossa: berarti pernah merasakan hal yang sama? welcome to the club then... heheheh
-merasa tersindir karena sering pilek di pesawat yang ber-AC tapi berdebu-
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