Last weekend I went to Sei Cuka, Pelaihari, South Kalimantan to conduct charity programmes coordinated by medical students of Lambung Mangkurat University.
There were two programmes which were a free treatment for unhealthy and unwealthy people in that area and a free circumcision. Almost 50 medical students, 3 clerkship students (Amin, Ismi and Huda) and 4 GPs (such as Husairi, Meitria and Aris) were involved in.
The Ulin General Hospital Banjarmasin was the place where we departed. It was needed almost 5 hours by bus to reach that remote area. Please never ever expect that all the highway was really good. Any part was full of dust and holes... hehehee.... Even though the buses were not completed with AC, it was fun since the students, especially Rini and Huda sang all the way... Can you imagine... they sang almost 5 hours? hehehehe...... I think they should check their vocal cord afterward.... hehe
At 9 pm, we arrived at the place. I had imagined I would sleep at a local leader's home, no beds, no toilet. But you know.... I was surprised... The event organizer had arranged that program so well. I slept at a guest house belonged to Coal Mining Company.... So..... I stayed like in a hotel (FYI... this company was our partner to conduct this program).
Spring bed, TV, AC and hot water for bathing was a luxury.... hehehehe and students slept in meeting room arranged as their bedroom. And one thing... that guest house was located right in front of beach... WOW....
The next day, we began the event at 9.30 am at local gas station. It had been set up as a medical clinic. About 150 unhealthy people and 110 kids took a part. It all finished at 4.30 pm. Fuihhhhhhhhh........ what a tired. But i love it...
Here are some pictures i took.
Since we still had no time for pleasure (at least swimming at the beach).... right after we completed those programmes, we jumped to the beach... walking, swimming and off course taking some pictures... hehehe
At 9 pm, we were back from Sei Cuka and I arrived at home at 1 am next day.
I love to join this program.
Thank you for the organizers such as Rudi, Gusti and Rifqi...
I am waiting for the next program. :)
There were two programmes which were a free treatment for unhealthy and unwealthy people in that area and a free circumcision. Almost 50 medical students, 3 clerkship students (Amin, Ismi and Huda) and 4 GPs (such as Husairi, Meitria and Aris) were involved in.
The Ulin General Hospital Banjarmasin was the place where we departed. It was needed almost 5 hours by bus to reach that remote area. Please never ever expect that all the highway was really good. Any part was full of dust and holes... hehehee.... Even though the buses were not completed with AC, it was fun since the students, especially Rini and Huda sang all the way... Can you imagine... they sang almost 5 hours? hehehehe...... I think they should check their vocal cord afterward.... hehe
At 9 pm, we arrived at the place. I had imagined I would sleep at a local leader's home, no beds, no toilet. But you know.... I was surprised... The event organizer had arranged that program so well. I slept at a guest house belonged to Coal Mining Company.... So..... I stayed like in a hotel (FYI... this company was our partner to conduct this program).
Spring bed, TV, AC and hot water for bathing was a luxury.... hehehehe and students slept in meeting room arranged as their bedroom. And one thing... that guest house was located right in front of beach... WOW....
The next day, we began the event at 9.30 am at local gas station. It had been set up as a medical clinic. About 150 unhealthy people and 110 kids took a part. It all finished at 4.30 pm. Fuihhhhhhhhh........ what a tired. But i love it...
Here are some pictures i took.
Since we still had no time for pleasure (at least swimming at the beach).... right after we completed those programmes, we jumped to the beach... walking, swimming and off course taking some pictures... hehehe
At 9 pm, we were back from Sei Cuka and I arrived at home at 1 am next day.
I love to join this program.
Thank you for the organizers such as Rudi, Gusti and Rifqi...
I am waiting for the next program. :)
gak adil.
kalo namanya acara pengabdian pada masyarakat itu mustinya rela bersakit-sakit dong.
murni bersakit-sakit!
ini koq malah tidur selayaknya di hotel,
main di pantai,
*sirik tanda tak mampu*
Ih, Tega!, .Tegaaa. .
masak ada anak kecil disunak kesakitan yang lainnya malah sadar kamera sih? huahaaa. . .
ada foto yang seharusnya disensor tuh......
I think that is a very nice thing you do!
@melow: kita disuguhi yang seperti itu.. siapa nolak... kita belum moron ketika ditawarkan yang enak menerima yang susah... hehehehe
@indra: ngga mahasiswa ngga dosennya... harus sadar kamera.... yang penting kerjaan tetap selesai....
@eni: yang mana yang disensor? yang mana? hehehehe
@quint: my students have been asking me fot that quint... may be you want to join with us? off course you are not my patient :) just kidding my old buddy
Jadi ingat KKN dulu di kab. Banjar, desa keliling benteng tengah. Juga ngadain sunatan massal, ternyata pesertanya banyak banget.Ttrus kehabisan obat suntik pematirasa: dilukain? lidokain? apa pehakain?, taulah apa namanya lupa, he..he...
hwaa... bed nya kembang2 :-D
@suhadinet: lidokain dan pehacain emang bisa digunakan untuk anestesi lokal (obat bius).... tapi bukan peserta sunatannya kan? hehehehe
@anna: mungkin CS-nya lagi kumat romantisnya.... hehehe
be, yang dibilang eni musti disensor itu kayaknya foto narsis ente deh, bukan yang lain.
sudah foto satu satunya... masih diprotes juga.....
sedeeeehhhhhhh nih..... hiks
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