Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A letter for a raising star: RADITYA DIKA

i still cant refresh my mind to figure out when the first time i knew you (off course by your posting)... you do not even know me... But one for sure... i am quite a big reader of yourss... (or should i say a big fan?? No... no.. not yet...)

i have read (and bought) all books you have written...Your first book (Cinta Brontosaurus) ---> (Teddy and Ichanx... told me i was wrong.... It was Kambing Jantan... thanks dude...) was first impression for me... and i really like it... it was fun... i can say it was very fun... generally it could make me smile.... and occasionally i laughed...

this book is based on your daily life... and then written in a blog, right?. A publisher finally found youm... so we can read your creative ideas. I think your strengths are how you create such ordinary story becoming funny ones by using surprising and dull words i have never imagined beforehand...

now... you are attending alot of talk shows..., and even you are making your first movie... hmmmm... i should congratulate you Radit....

unfortunately i have lost your strengths in 2nd and 3rd books.... seems to me... those were so..so.... it was not funny anymore....  furthermore... sometimes i think you showed your dullness and silliness (sorry...)... Your recent book (Babi Ngesot... datang tak diundang.. pulang tak berkutang...) was quite funny... even i think your first book was not comparable... so.. your first book was your masterpiece...

my words for you Radit.... dont fool yourselves.... even it was marketable..... i know you have more strengths than you showed here through your pics....

if others who still do not know him very well and need to find some other funny (sometimes dull) pics, please join in here .


Marshmallow said...

aku juga baca blognya.
emang lucu dan menghibur.
but sometimes he gets too much.
tapi salutnya, dia kreatif melihat kejadian yang bagi kebanyakan orang mengesalkan jadi sesuatu yang menyenangkan.
ujung-ujungnya malah mendatangkan uang.

Anonymous said...

uhm.. sebenernya buku Dika yang pertama tuh judulnya "Kambing Jantan". Buat saya, masterpiece nya radit emang Kambing Jantan. Buku2 selanjutnya (kecuali Babi ngesot yang emang blom sempat saya baca) keliatan rada dibuat2.

Lucu nya dika tuh ada di "kepolosan" nya dalam menghadapi suatu situasi, dan itu real, bukan fiktif. Tapi dika yang sekarang.. gak ubah kayak penulis2 komedi yang ngandelin penggunaan hiperbola supaya "sesuatu yang sebenernya gak lucu jadi keliatan lucu"..

Anonymous said...

sepakat ama teddy... buku pertama emang "kambing jantan" mas... ituh yang bener2 masterpiece banget... hehe... tapi emang lucu2 banget kok semua bukunya, termasuk babi ngesot.. meskipun, tetep aja gak bisa ngalahin "kambing jantan".

Moh Bakhrian Syah said...

@setuju ga kalo kambing jantan houte coutour (benar ga ya tulisannya?) nya dia?

@teddy and ichanx: thank you for revising tittle of his first book