Saturday, March 21, 2009

Orchid House

Many weeks ago..  I and my colleagues went to Pelaihari, Disctrict of Tanah Laut. It just took around one hour from my hometown to be there. Actually it was a work day which was on Tuesday (?). Our purpose was signing a contract between our university and local government. As we will conduct a big project in this local area, so... we were there....

According to my colleague, we should be there at 9 am. However, when we was there, the major had another meeting. WHAT!!!! Later on... we were informed that there was an understanding between major's assistant and us. So... we had to wait until 11 am...

Since we did nothing, then we were invited to see "flower house" (Rumah Bunga)... Here are some pics i took.


Marshmallow said...

so beautiful pictures you have taken, be. such a blessing in disguise to have had a misunderstanding with the mayor, huh?

Eni said...

Mau lihat........
balik lagi noh B..
ambil foto lebih banyak (terutama yang tanpa Babe...) xi..xii..

Anonymous said...

orchids... I like them.

Anonymous said...

Well, it seems that there are some similar traces between Public Administration in Indonesia and Portugal :)
Atl least they gave you the chance to visit such an interesting place.

Bakhrian said...

@hemma: yup... just like a serendipity....

@eni: rencana mau nambah lagi... sayang udah ada komentar begini... makanya batal aja... hahaha

Bakhrian said...

@suhadinet: di amt ada ga ya pa? belum ya.... eh... gimana kabar kebun binatang di amuntai?

@quint: it is happening as well in your country? hehehe.... welcome to the club then...

Ersis Warmansyah Abbas said...

I like it ... but ...

ichanx said...

gw pernah ke pelaihari!!! (dance)
tapi gak liat bunga2an begini... hehe

The Perjaka Tampan said...

Ini yang bagus bunganya atau kameranya nih, hihihi.... *kidding*

Tapi bener kok, the picture u've taken bagus banget... ternyata di Indonesia masih ada yg kaya gini :D

dyagnozinfo said...


Salam kenal dok, hayo tebak siapa sy?

Wah keren, dokter memang Hi-tech !!!

Sy kagum dgn dokter.....

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