Thursday, March 15, 2007

My "muntung" earns money

Last Tuesday, it was my first day as a casual worker. I work at Faculty of Art and Media at University of Sydney as a native speaker. What should i do as a native speaker?? Honestly, firstly I do not really understand about my job descriptions. However, after i attended the 1st meeting, i have begun to understand. In Field Method subject, as a native speaker... all i have to do is to answer every questions that students ask to me, particularly about my hometown. They analyze every single words that i pronounce in terms of the sounds that i made. I should answer them mostly in Banjaress, and if they do not understand... i will explain it in English. So they pay more attention on my mouth. Can you imagine when you are talking and peoples are looking at it.... Hmmmm... sometime i feel uncomfortable... And I hope I have brushed my teeth before come in to the class... and no chilli on my teeth... Hehehe

I sat on a comfortable chair which is placed in front of the class and about 8 students (3 men and 5 women), 1 teacher and 1 technician, who recorded every conversations, made circled position around me. The students come from varying countrues, and educational backgrounds. Most of them Australian and the rests are European, Japaness. Some of them are studying for their bachelor degree, but one of is studying for her doctoral degree.

I give you some examples what kind questions that they asked to me.
1. Greeting...
What upper river Banjaress say when they just meet someone and say good bye as well?.
2. Body part
What Banjar languages for hands, fingers, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, chest, head etc?.
3. Daily activities
What Banjaress do as daily activities, such as job?.

At the end of this course, the students should make a "small dictionary" about Banjar language.

Next week, we will have one to one conversation. It means I will face one student and then answer what topic they ask to me. It will vary from one student to another. They are allowed to ask everything they are interested. May be one student emphasize on food, but another chooses health as his/her preferable topic.

Now i just realize, my "muntung" or "bacot" or "congor" (mouth) can earn money. Does anyone else need my muntung? hehehehe


Aya Nurdin said...

Wah seru tuh mas bakhry!!!!
Aku juga pengen kalo bisa kerja casually kayak gitu, cuman bingung bisanya bahasa daerah apa ya?! Bugis?...stengah2, Papua2?? Juga ga lancar2 amat, hiks...gini deh kalo gak jelas asal-usul leluhurnya(-.-)

Moh Bakhrian Syah said...

Ada tuh kesempatan buat Aya yang ga jelas asal usul leluhurnya. Kamu ngajar bahasa isyarat saja... gimana? heheheheh atau bahasa kalbu? ehm ehm... hahahahha

Tari Mokui said...

salutt...di sini emang asik..
tari juga pernah...ngomong 25 menit doang dah dapet bayaran lumayan :)
Alhamdulillah...rejeki emang ga kemana...

Bakhrian said...

Hehehe.... betul... Allah dah ngatur kok semuanya...

Mashuri said...




alisoew said...

Makan makan! Hohohooo

Bakhrian said...

@Mashuri: bapandir ja di sini dibayar urang mas ai... heheheh alhamdulillah banar...

@Ali: atuuurrrrrrrrr ajaaaaaaa.... hehehhe