Monday, September 17, 2007

If I had US$ 1 million

After Wahyu gave me a homework, Nilla has given me another one. She has asked what will I do, if i had US$ 1 million.

1. US $ 25000 will be given to orphans or mosques.
2. Another Haj or Umroh for me and my parents. Or anyone i consider as my best buddies.
3. Gadgets such as high tech laptop, PDA, latest mobile, digital camera.
4. Small house with big yard, come along with simple furniture.
5. Vacancy to midle east countries, such as Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Marocco, Iran, Palestine and Iraq. For me, those countries are sort of exotic beautiful ones. May be i should delete Iraq and palestine from my list, since there is war. It is not funny at all, i am death when i am travelling.


Anonymous said...

mulia sekali niatnya Mas Bakhri ngasih sebanyak itu ke orphans.. mudah2an niatnya bisa terkabul :)

btw mau dong ikut jalan2 ke Mesir :)

quintarantino said...

Oh boy... if I had a million bucks...

Juminten said...

Ikutttt...!!! Ikut Mas Bakhri ke Turkey, Egypt, Saudi, Iran, Iraq!!!
Huehuehuehue... xP
Yah, duitnya masih cukup buat ngangkut sayah kan, Mas? xD

quintarantino said...

Still spending that money, my friend?

Eni said...


Wake up...
There are still a lot of things to do.. already have "a lot of things" which more than that 1 million bucks..,why don't just focused on that?

TaTa said...

duh sayang banget yah ....Kalau punya... coba klo beneran di kasih hihihihi

[H][A][R][R][I][S] said...


apa karena dah banyak dosanya sampe segede gaban, sampe2 mo beramal neh:D

Oom suka gadget juga yah??

Moh Bakhrian Syah said...

@wahyu: itu kan 2.5% dari yang didapat... katanya itu memang hak mereka... jadi yang harus dikasihkan... meski memang berat... hehehehe.
Mesir? --> nyari onta dulu gih... atau minta ama acil Raida di kuwait sono...

@ Quintino: yes... it is a dream... but keep dreaming before dreaming is forbidden... hehehe

@ Nila: ikut juga? ok deh.... besok kumpul di Soekarno Hatta ya... jangan lupa....

Moh Bakhrian Syah said...

@Quint: seems like that Quint... but now i have been waken up by reality... heheheh

@Eni: a lot of things? what is that? mosquitos? hehehe

@tata: seandainya (mode menengadah: ON) heheheh

Moh Bakhrian Syah said...

@ale: wah... beramal ga harus nunggu dosa Le.... ntar keburu mati....
gadget --> iya lah... siapa yang nolak diberi hape baru dan high tech compy... wow... seandainya...

si Ono said...

buat point nomer 2, kayanya bisa tuh masuk kategori hahahahah