This place is located at 30 A Yani road Guntung Manggis Banjarbaru. It takes around 20 minutes from Banjarmasin, the capital city of South Kalimantan (Borneo) by car.
I think, this park is not supposed to be opened because of many reasons or at least the management should delay to open publicly.1. According to the name, Bekantan Park should display mainly Bekantans. Bekantans are specific animal living in Kalimantan. Even though their common appearances are same as monkeys, their hair body is gold and their nose is longer than other monkeys. Unfortunately, I just found 2 Bekantans. Sadly, one of those was a preservative one. Can we still call this place as Bekantan Park?
2. Instead of one real Bekantan, they just had one life animal which was honey bear. Yes… just one honey bear.
3. They had two small building at the left side of the entrance. I though it was a museum for animal and plants. The fact, I just found artificial animals and plants. I also found some western carton characters such as batman and superman. I think those were not supposed to be there.
4. This place was extremely hot. There were no trees we can sit down under to get fresh air.
5. They also had some buildings for out bond activity. I think this building would become the one and only reasons for me to be back there. Even though I am quite sure, I will not be back
jd ini tho yg membuat om Bakhrie betah pulang ke BanjarbaRU!
Hihiii, baru ngeh skarang om Bakhrie asli mana :D
kok kayanya dikit banged yah jumlahnya?
apa bener2 udah punah? :(
Eh, kalo ga salah itu binatang yg jd maskot Dufan ya, mas? xP
owww... jd Bekantan itu aslinya dr Banjarbaru?
oooh bekantan park itu di kalimantan selatan, baru tahu, thanks ya, aku emang payah banget, negeri sendiri tapi nggak ngerti, banjar baru di sana ya, sorry aku nanya soal ini di united photos, thanks anyway
So you are already in your island, the one and only Borneo?
tutup aja, B, tutup! -menyiapkan papan poster-
bekantan tuh yg bokongnya gede itu kan?
seperti yg nulis ya?
So now I'll be waiting to see some orango-utang photos...
perjalanan anda byk sekali.jadi ngiri.
liat juga di
byk infon tulisan ttg wisata & kota kalsel n kalteng.
good morning people. I'm actually into shoes and I was looking as far as something that exact model. The prices due to the fact that the boots were around 190 pounds everwhere. But definitively I base this site selling them for the benefit of half price. I in reality love these [url=]prada sneakers[/url]. I will definetly buy those. what is your opinion?
Dimana alamatnya yg jelas sih di banjarbarub?udah 4 kali aku cari belum ketemu juga sama Bekantan Park. Katanya masuk komplek Benawa Raya Gt.Manggis tapi gak ketemu malah nyasar ke Aquatica Waterpark. Tidak ada penunjuk pasti dari depan jalan A.Yani :(
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