How long do you use your mobile every day?
An hour?
Two hours?
Three hours? or
Four hours?
If you use your mobile more than 4 hours each day... you should be aware toward your fertility statues.
A research conducted in a fertility clinical at New York has been proving that using mobile more than four hours a day could decrease the amount of sperm.
This research involved 361 men.
Far from the amount of sperm, it also could diminish its quality.
Scientifically, mobile's electromagnetic waves could interfere our physiological process within our body by altering our DNA dan the generation of sperm.
So... watch out guys....
kalo mobil-mobilan?
Sometimes it just doesn´t get out of the pocket of my jacket ... so, on that matter, no problem.
waduh, serem juga ternyata ya efeknya...baru tau....
@mina: salah istilah ya? MALU......... xixixixi
@rosa: menurutku sih masih perlu banyak penelitian tentang itu... yang menggunakan banyak sampel..
@quint: yes Q.. i agree... you have proven than you have had the twins... it doesnt matter for you unless you need more.... :)
Numpang nanya...
apa itu juga berlaku untuk "HaPe" tradisional.?
Soalnya "HaPe" saya tergolong "HaPe" yang g begitu Modern,...
wah, serem banget.. padahal aku menggunakan hp kayaknya lebih dari 4 jam deh sehari.. meskipun gak sekaligus tapi kalo ditotal2 ya kayaknya sih lebih.. :(
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