Sunday, May 11, 2008


Tired of working?
Have no enough times going somewhere for relaxing?
I have a problem solving for you

Just go around really close to your place.. (work place actually)
Then build tents..
Having fun with your colleagues..
Enjoy your night...
Baking corns..
Having fried rice and noddles...
Sharing laughs....

Not really bad...
And it makes you fresher before going to work tomorrow..

That was we did last day...
Are you interested to copy it?
Give your shoot dude....


Anonymous said...

Bakh, so that's what you have been doing!
I guess that's a great idea, but I have other great ideas to do later.
One will be once retired to go and visit some great places I have only been seeing on TV.
Yesterday saw Borneo on TRAVEL CHANNEL about beaches and diving ... amazing!

Anonymous said...

Mas,, Mas,, jagungnya gosong tuh

Anonymous said...

Great Photo!

Milda said...

Intermezo, I need u tooo..all work no intermezo make me forgetful !

I envy u for that bro.

Vina Revi said...

Bawa bekal Autan juga kah? :)

Marshmallow said...

be relaxed, but don't be TOO relaxed, be! mana enak makan jagung item? pakabar ente? kangen deh...

Bakhrian said...

@quint: really quint? did you see that program? Do you like it?
If you do... please welcome to my country... :)

@for the people: thank you for visiting my blog....

Bakhrian said...

@anonymous: gosong? kayaknya sih... makanya aku ga makan... heheheh

@milda: harus cari-cari dan curi-curi kesempatan Uni... biar idup ga stress..

@vina revi: autan? ga perlu mba.... kan udah ada asap...cukup untuk menghalau nyamuk...

@hemma: iya tuh gosong... kabar baik bu... ente gimana?
miss you too... gimana Sydney?