Thursday, July 17, 2008

The 2nd round

After Sei Cuka Kintap episode, Medical Team Lambung Mangkurat University collaborating with PT Indofood Bati Bati conducted "Free Circumsition Program". It was held at July 10th, 2008. PT Indofood is a wellknown company producing some packed foods

When we were at Kintap, there were almost 100 kids, but in this event... we just cut (heheheh) almost 40 kids....

That is why we just sent 2 GPs and 20 medical students.

Since this program were held at a company producing noodle... so we took a snap look at the process how to make a ready to use-noodle from rough material 'til the end.


Anonymous said...

Wah, masih setelah daerah TaLa, kegiatan sosial Fak Kedokteran Unlam kemana lagi Pak?

Salut deh.

Marshmallow said...

teteup deh fotonya, be.
mau diprotes badan sensor nasional?
ih, exhibisionism banget siiiiiy....

Juminten said...

eeerrrhh... itu fotonya... *pingsan*

Bakhrian said...

@suhadinet: belum ada kejelasan lagi.... yang pasti pas musim liburan begini... Tim Bantuan Medis FK Unlam sering diminta untuk mengisi kegiatan....

tapi dengar-dengar akan ada pap smear.... cuma ini masih issue...

@melow: hahahahah.... katanya kemarin yang diprotes tuh fotoku... kok sekarang komennya beda??? dasar tidak konsisten... xixixixix

@nilla: pingsan? kenapa nil???? hadapailah kenyataan hidup itu... hehehehehe