Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Dark Knight: What a shaky bu**

Everyone is talking about this movie The Dark Knight. It is happening.... I saw it at the cinema... Sorry to say.... I have different perspective on this movie... In my opinion, this movie is
You know why?

I was watching this movie at the biggest cinema in my hometown. I sit in the biggest studio as well. As concequency, i got the biggest screen. Now you are asking me... why i said it was the shaky butt movie?

Be patient please.... It is just a beginning...
Ok... since i came in late... i just could have the left wing second row seat. So you can imagine how my eyes should be in accommodation for the entire movie. I could not see the whole screen... So if i want to know what happen at the left screen, i had to turn my head to the left and vice versa. What an unergonomic position.
Moreover, since they have double surround sound system and they place it at the both wings.... i can both hear the sound through my ears and feel it through my bump perfectly.... The wave's energy came to my whole body since the floor is a good conductor in trasferring the energy to me..... So... for two and a half hours my bump was shaked.

Hey... for the owner........ please I am not Beyonce Knowles or even Shakira.... I do not need to be shaken at that particular area.... and I am not practicing belly dancing as well.... It is enough.... 

What a tired....
Anyway... kalo What a tired diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia jadi apa ya??? Apa jadi capek deh???? xixixixi.... ngga penting sekali.....

And for the movie... Heath Ledger is perfect.... He is awesome playing that character... I gave him 5 thumbs up... Ok...Ok... i dont have 5... but i can borrow from anyone... Ok?

Pics are from here and here.


Eni said...

Nonton dark night sambil goyang....maaf dangdutan...?????

Marshmallow said...

ini sih bukan masalah filmnya, be.
ini sih masalah ente (hihi... sori)
maksudku, kenapa juga nonton di situ, trus datang telat, gak bawa snack lagi.
*yang terakhir gak ada hubungan ya?*

tapi gpp deh, be.
yang penting kan pengalamannya bisa dibagi ke kita-kita.

Anonymous said...

huehehe, you remind me when we watched ocean 13th from front row seat @ greater union.
So, shake ur bum bum! hihihi

Anonymous said...


saya memang rada rada suka histeris sendiri jika lihat joker. mungkin karena menganut paham surealis :p

melihat penampilan heath ledger memang rada rada edan dalam memerankan si joker. tapi sayang akhirnya dia meninggal dunia setelah selesai shuting film DK. :(

10/10 vote for me

Oman said...

i love the movie and i think ledger deserves an acting award for this one.

Moh Bakhrian Syah said...

@eni: sebenarnya sih cari yang campur sari versi koplo... sayang ngga nemu.... hehe

@melow: itu kan gaya nulis hiperbola bu... hahahaha

@ali: wah ternyata bang ali mengidolakan ricky martin nih... shake ur bom bom... ;)

Moh Bakhrian Syah said...

@mata: betulll... si HL emang keren aktingnya.... sayang diramalkan ga bakal dapat oscar...karena mati yang tidak wajar itu....
bagaimana kalo kita demo??? hehehehe

@lawstude: indeed lawstude.... but the reviewer said... it is difficult to give him the award since his death is not normal... you know what i mean?

Anonymous said...

Bujur banar...
rame banar...
pokoknya banar2 rame....
Mun pian kawa 5 jari...
ulun nambahi jadi 20 jari....he3x....
beangkat ae kedua tangan dan kaki...
kada pernah dapat esensi di film yg bagus kaya ini dibanding film super hero laen...
patut dicontoh sifatnya...