Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ramadhan in Sydney

Zetland mosque, outdoor view.

Ramadhan will come soon. A month in a year when muslims all over the world should be fasting. It is pushing me digging out the memory related to faith when i was in Sydney. Living in a non muslim country was quite difficult. For instance:
1. For our daily praying.... there is no announcement from the mosques nearby.... hence sometimes when we were so busy..... we lost in time.... it just suddently come to our mind....
In our country.... when praying times come.... every mosques announce it.....
2.  When praying time comes and those colide with class.... it was hard to sneak out. Even though they never have forbidden us...... But i did know how it was felt. I had same experience for Friday praying....
3. And the most difficult was Ramadhan. When I am in my hometown... Tarawih is not problem. Mosques are nearby... but in Sydney.... I had to catch bus to have praying at the nearest mosque. If I am the lucky one..... It just took around 15 mins by bus and 5 mins by walk to be there from my home. If I am not.... i should wait about 30 mins..... since sometimes bus schedule was not perfect... Moreover, i should be there by myself.... so my laziness sometimes came.... Indeed.... it is difficult to be a muslim in non muslim community.....
Basicly, i think everything is back to us.... as long as we have self consious about our faith and religion.... things  i mentioned above will be nothing.... Those are not problems...

pic is from here.


Marshmallow said...

nah, berarti sekarang udah senang dong bisa ramadhan di kampung halaman lagi?
selamat deh kalau gitu, patut disyukuri.
mudah-mudahan kita bisa memupuk amal ibadah sebanyak-banyaknya selama ramadhan ini.
mohon maaf lahir dan batin ya, be.

Anonymous said...

kang,... met puasa, met menyambut ramadhan yah :)

Anonymous said...

wuh lg di sydney... met puasa mas, mohon maaf jika ada salah2 kata, walo kita blm prnh ketemu... kpn kita bisa ketemuan yah

Anonymous said...

hehehe jadi ingat suka minta kurma nya babe tiap buka. Babe makan 3 biji tiap buka, sy sih sebungkus bisa habis dalam semalam xixixixi.

Thanks ya be!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you my friend !

Bakhrian said...

@melow: indeed.... lebih berasa kalo puasa di sini.... meski semua berpulang ke kita juga sih... katanya semua tergantung niat.... betul?

@mata: sama-sama ta... maaf kan kalo ada salah-salah kata...

@herry: itu cerita lalu her... udah setahun yang lalu....
ente di jakarta? terus pns-nya di mana? mudah-mudahan kalo aku ke jkt bisa kopdar... :)

Bakhrian said...

@superlazy: thanks apanya bos? kan ente makan kurma sendiri... :)

@rashad: thank you for visiting my blog and dropping your comment... i really appriciate it... ramadhan mubarak ya akhi.... :)

Anonymous said...

oh well, theres nothing wrong with sholat tarawih in your home :)