Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Menunggu Matahari Melbourne: Nationality issues in a fictional book

This novel is written by Remy Silado. As the tittle of this blog, i think this novel is not purely a novel since he puts quite a lot of critics about his own country, Indonesia. His critics are not only about the issues around its government but about Indonesian as well. For instance: corrupters, hypocrite, etc.

The story is started with a scene where Joko and Marry meet at Ngurah Ray Airport Bali. Joko, an Indonesian student who wants to go to Melbourne after long summer holiday in Indonesia (his hometwon is Malang) and Marry (a master degree student) needs to be back to Adelaide after visiting Bali bomb monument. The story is continued until they arrive in Australia. As I said, we can find a bunch of information rather than just the story between Joko and Marry. Please be prepared for the end of this book. SURPRISE....!!!

You need longer review about this book? Just jump into to this.

Even though, Remy Sylado is very famous writter in Indonesia dan Asia (I guess), and well known as clever writter, unfortunately i can not enjoy his book. For me, it is quite boring. I know he shows his broad knowledge, but i am sorry... i can not enjoy it.

The pic is taken from here.


Marshmallow said...

beliin dong aku bukunya, biar aku ikutan review.

kalau akhir ceritanya memberikan kejutan, mustinya menarik dong, gak ketebak.

tapi yah, masalah selera sih.

Anonymous said...

Kalau isinya kebanyakan kritik juga gak asik ya Pak Be?

ReMi SiLaDo. Ha.ha... nama beliau itu kaya nama notasi ya: 2(re)3(mi)si(7)la(6)do(1). Ha..ha... Bagus.

Bakhrian said...

@melow: beliin? ntar kalo udah balik aja ya... soalnya kalo beli sekarang terus kirim ke ozy... mahal ongkos kirmnya kali... hehehe

@suhadinet: ngga juga sih... asyil asyik aja... cuma jangan dimasukin ke novel dong... bikin aja resensi sendiri tentang politik di indo.. mungkin ini lebih pas...

tapi ga tahu ya... mungkin karena itu dia terkenal... xixiix