Saturday, October 4, 2008

A present taken from Amuntai

Unique gate of the bridge

At the beginning, I would like to congratulate everyone celebrating Eid Fitr…
Please forgive me for every mistake I have made…

For me, celebrating Eid Fitr in this year is very interesting. I have gained a tiny, but important, lecture from life.

During I prayed Eid Fitr, I was impressed by how beautiful the imam cited Koran during praying. It reminded me to the imam at Haram and Nabawi mosques at Mecca and Medina respectively. What a superb voice.

After 4 years I had not been back, this year I spent my time at the village where I growth up, even it was just for 2 days. Right after praying, I and my nuclear family went to Amuntai. This small city could be reached about 3-3.5 hours by car from Banjarbaru, the city where I am living now. During the trip, I noticed there are no significant improvements. The streets, buildings, etc are quite alike whether at Martapura, Rantau, Kandangan, or Pantai Hambawang, the tiny cities I passed by.

In Amuntai, I was quite surprised by this city. Even I do not know, was it just when Eid Fitr or in daily life, there was traffic jam at Paliwara intersection, just right before I met the Paliwara bridge. Let have a look at this.

Another surprise I met was about the education, specifically the higher education. I think Amuntainess should increase their awareness of it. I don’t mean they are not. (no offense for Mr Suhadinet…..). Most of friends (and my extended family) I met and greeted, they only completed their senior high schools. Even though we have a diploma from a university does not guarantee we can get a good job easily. Precisely, they should spend their life as fuel sellers on the streets for earning money.

What a perfect example of how importance the education is.


Marshmallow said...

mungkin karena lebaran, be, banyak yang mudik sehingga kota macet.
paling-paling hari biasa gak gitulah.
jadi lebaran ente hepi dong ya, bisa bersama keluarga lagi setelah sekian lama.

Anonymous said...

well i think your fellow friends and some of ur extended families should move to a bigger city..where the opportunity are far more widely opened :)

Bakhrian said...

@marshmallow: bisa jadi ya... apalagi pas leabran kan pada banyak yang keluar rumah... pada bersilaturahmi...

being with my family is greatful and precious moments for me... :)

@indra: i think so... but i think your suggestion is for the next generations since my friend and extended family are getting older and older... :)

Anonymous said...

glad that you have a wonderful time there, buddy! find someone special there? back home? :)
well, education, proper job opportunity, economy.. those are the real problem these days.

Oman said...

another amazing treat from your corner of the world. thank you for sharing. really appreciate how amazing your work is. have a nice day.

Bakhrian said...

@supalazy: i was back home dude... i was quite intertaining... especially when riding around... what a wonderful time...

indeed... you have named the perfect reasons

@lawstude: thanks you back if you enjoyed it...