Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Wild Storm

Monday 5th March, 2007 there were extensive delays on a major Sydney train line because lightning destroyed 500m of overhead wires on the Central Coast and Newcastle lines (MX Newspaper, March 6th, 2007) and some internet patrons claimed connection disturbance at that moment. Here are some pictures of stormy night that my friend sent that to me.


Aya Nurdin said...

Weits, images lightingnya keren abis, pasti harus pake high speed camera tuh, hiks...jadi ngiri aku, kok bisa sih mereka bisa nangkep moment seperti ini. Aku dimana yak waktu itu?

Moh Bakhrian Syah said...

Iya Ya... aku juga kagum... kalo soal Aya dimana... aku ga ngerti... mungkin di apartement Aya... masa berkeliaran di tengah badai petir gitu??? heheheh.. Kalo aku sih terlelap ke alam mimpi... hehehhe

Anonymous said...

Indah tapi mengerikan banget

Anonymous said...

Sumber energi alternatif :D

Bakhrian said...

Waks! Kalo keseringan ya ngeri juga Bro...