Early of next month i will go back to Indonesia. I thought it is exciting, but the fact, it is not completely true. It is exciting, but it is sadness as well.
Exciting because i will be back to my real world. I will meet friends, family, colleagues, and anyone who cares and be cared about. The environment that i love to live in, is very suitable for me...
However, leaving my routinity in here is also stressful. I will leave behind the great opportunity to get a good education. I will miss beautiful places. I will also leave my friends here. All of those are not easy. Since you feel comfortable within... then suddently you realize that you will lost it...

Anyhting around seems imperfect to me... worst than before...
Simple actions and words could harm me a lot....
I am tired of those...
I need to go away from these situation soon...
I can not take it anymore....
Photos were taken from here and here.
Bakh... I hope you can make the best within... try to be cool and relax... life will bring you what you deserve... and you are a good guy who deserves only the best.
Thank you Quint..
I trully believe even i have never seen you in real life... but your generous heart makes me feeling better...
Close friends do not have to be someone who close to us physically. You are the perfect example.
good luck bung, changes always makes people uncomfortable to embrace the future and to leave things behind.
next month? secepatnya???
beneran itu mas???
ayo... ayo kita KOPDAR! hahaha... xD
udh mas, jangan sedih!
ga rugi kok ketemu ma aku... :"> *halah... xP*
By the way, I'm no longer on PORTUGUESEMANOFWAR.
Started a new project where I'll be posting alone: NOTASECRETBLOG.BLOGSPOT.COM.
Would be glad if you visited me there.
Santai aja ka... Ntar klo kaka bosen disini,, liburannya ke sydney.. geto.... Kan kita-kita bisa ikutan ntar :-D
welkom back..
How's life, my friend?
bakhrian, where are you?
tinngal d negeri bule ya? pulang k indo brapa hari sih?
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