That was the major reason why I decided to land in Bali after I have finished my study in Sydney, instead of I had another important thing to do there.
The first day in Bali, I did not go far. I just went around trying some Indonesian food since in Sydney I could not have Indonesian food easily. Pecel lele, ayam penyet were so yummy.
Second day in Bali, I went to some tourist attractions, namely:

1. Barong dance
Instead of “Kecak” dance, I think “Barong” dance is the most popular dance. This dance describes every aspect of human life. Devil side, angel side, sadness and happiness we can find.
Afterward, I went to some handcraft industries. I found some jewelry made from silver then I went to painting gallery in Ubud (known as the art village). You might buy some paintings if you are interested in.
2. Goa Gajah (Elephant Cave)
This place is named as the elephant cave because the entrance gate to the cave is elephant’s head form. Inside this cave, there is a T shape tunnel. This tunnel is not really long. You can find some statues inside. I think, most statues are closely related to Hinduism.
3. Kintamani
This high land is the place where I had lunch. The view was beautiful. From the top of the hill, I could see the valley, Agung mountain and Batur lake as well. What a perfect combination.
4. Tampak Siring Palace
This palace nearby to Kintamani has a history value. Our first president (Soekarno) was living in this area. Around this area, we also can find some temple. There is a myth, if you take a bath or just wash your face in this temple, it will prevent your aging process. Be young forever!!! hmmmm... worth it to be tried?
5. Sanur Beach
This beach was my last destination for that day. I did not spend hours there. I saw the sunset. If you like a toast of corn, boiled nuts, and fresh coconut ice, it was easy to find in this place.
Instead of “Kecak” dance, I think “Barong” dance is the most popular dance. This dance describes every aspect of human life. Devil side, angel side, sadness and happiness we can find.
Afterward, I went to some handcraft industries. I found some jewelry made from silver then I went to painting gallery in Ubud (known as the art village). You might buy some paintings if you are interested in.

This place is named as the elephant cave because the entrance gate to the cave is elephant’s head form. Inside this cave, there is a T shape tunnel. This tunnel is not really long. You can find some statues inside. I think, most statues are closely related to Hinduism.

This high land is the place where I had lunch. The view was beautiful. From the top of the hill, I could see the valley, Agung mountain and Batur lake as well. What a perfect combination.

This palace nearby to Kintamani has a history value. Our first president (Soekarno) was living in this area. Around this area, we also can find some temple. There is a myth, if you take a bath or just wash your face in this temple, it will prevent your aging process. Be young forever!!! hmmmm... worth it to be tried?

This beach was my last destination for that day. I did not spend hours there. I saw the sunset. If you like a toast of corn, boiled nuts, and fresh coconut ice, it was easy to find in this place.
mas Bakh masih mending, rosa malahan belum pernah loh ke Bali :((
I sincerely hope that one day I will be able to travel to distant places like that. I envy you... For now at least! :-)
Have a great Christmas!
kintamani. gambarnya beautiful. never been there. wah, sekarang semua fotonya di-watermark ya :D
yeha.. dah nyampe indo, wekss bukannya ke kampung halaman malah nyasar dolo ke bali :P
entar kalo ke kampung halaman jgn lupa poto2 nya yakkk..:D
aku kebali kapan yah???jamn jebot banget ... tapi masih inget sama monyet2 yg menyebalkan nyolong kaca mata itemku ..kalo gak salah disangeh nama tempatnya..bener gak???
mas bakhri ke Bali kok ndak ngajak2?
*siapa elu, La? :| :P*
aku kan belum pernah ke Bali, mas... :">
btw, kapan ke Jakarta-nya? xD
... hum... this here guy keeps on having is well deserved holidays ...
barusan nyampe, dah jalan2 lagi? *irinya..irinya..*
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