Saturday, April 19, 2008

An invitation

Hi dear..
How are you?
Do you have times?
If you do..
Please join to this programme

Fletch, Alex and Chang, djs from The Edge radio station in New Zealand raising awards to Prostate cancer,so they organizes national penis day in Christchurch.
There evil plan was to coach as many of there listeners as possible, to take there cloths off in a public place lay down on the ground in the shape of a big penis and be photographed. Lots of t***,c**** and asses every where that day good stuff guys.

So... are you interested to join in?
But for sure..
I wont be there...
So never ever expect it... :)


Anonymous said...

And the photographer will be? Dick?

Anonymous said...

How are you?

Anonymous said...

By the way, don´t but please DON´T click on anything from FENRISAR. That is a virus!

Anonymous said...

kalonya bahasa banjar ngarti lah? diam diluar kah nih?

slm dr Egypt

Bakhrian said...

Hi quint... how are you? and your family?
I duno why i cant log into ur site... something wrong?

And thank you for always visiting me.... but lately i am so busy... so i can not up date my blog....

Thank you anyway...

Bakhrian said...

@azhar: paham banar bahasa Banjar... wahini kada lagi di luar... sudah bulik kampung...

situ pang sakulahkah di mesir? banyaklah tatamu unta nang bungas? hehehe

Anonymous said...

untanya mun bungas kada pang....
mun ganal wan tinggi iya tu....
ooo jadi dah bulik kampung kah? diam dimana nih?
salam knl aja nah :)

Marshmallow said...

hmm... good that you were not there, be. it was interesting without you. hihi...

Marshmallow said...

@quint: how did you know that fenrisar was virus? thanks for the info, though.