OK...Ok... i do know it is little bit serious....
But i think it is important, especially for teachers... is not it?
Being a teacher is a mix between art and knowledge. During delivering your topic, we should create a supportive atmospher hence the students could absorp it happilly. Even one has perfect knowledge on the topic, when she/he doesnot know how to attrack the students to get involve in the class, it would be difficult for students and teachers as well.
Here are some tips that teacher can adopt during giving lectures
1. Respecting your students and not crushing them mentally by negative and judgemental words.
2. Involving them in decision making processes even though the final decision is yours. However sharing responsibilities would help you to control your students in the class.
3. Listening to them when they are talking to you. Not yelling if they do mistakes.
4. Putting the equality, communication, being there for them and always supporting them.
5. Creating a friendly atmospher during giving the lecture by any ways and methods.
6. Speaking clearly during lecturing even though speaking in their zone (jargons etc) is not easy for teachers.
But for sure, it is easier for us to understand them rather than they understand us.
7. Dont give up to them.
This article is cited from here, and the picture is from here.
kok "lovable" sih? konotasinya itu looh :p
common sense. udah diterapkan belum, be? mustinya kalau ente menerapkannya, sekarang udah gak sendirian lagi. ehm... soalnya lovable sih.
btw, penting ya jadi lovable teacher? apa gak cukup jadi motivating teacher aja? soalnya kalau lovable jadi melibatkan perasaan, therefore it is likely to be subjective, don't you think?
@mina and hemma: sepertinya istilah loveable menjadi masalah nih.... ok deh.... bagaimana kalo kuganti dengan likeable? or favorite?
@bakhrian: wah, itu sih terserah ente dong, be. jangan terpengaruh kalau ente bisa justifikasi. katanya don't give up on the students. masak sama kita give up? hidup babe!
bicarain apa sih... lovable teacher?, kok gak nemu ya kata itu di postingan babe, hh gimana sih..
(pura-pura bingung)
Ok lah, saya mau jadi Love Teacher aja deh.. xixixi
cariin artikel "how to become a loveable guy" dong.... hehe
@hemma: bukannya give up.... cuma ketika ada saran yang lebih bagus kenapa harus kepala untuk mengakui itu? betul?
menurutku mereka sebagai mahasiswa berhak untuk subjektif... karena suasana belajar yang kondusif dimulai dari adanya rasa nyaman dari mahasiswa terhadap lingkungan belajarnya... termasuk terhadap dosennya... dan rasa nyaman ini adalah suatu subyektivitas... (menurutku sih... )
@ali: sudah di delete bro.... kalahlah sama si mba he... yang ielts-nya ngalah-ngalahin bule... hehehehe
@ichanx: hmmmmm..... sulit sepertinya... karena kamu saja yang jago ngenet belum pernah ketemu artikel itu... sharing ya kalo dapat... hehehehe
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